Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Low-risk activities

I agree with main points of the article. In fact, I think one of the biggest problems in chilean’ schools is that teachers are boring, I mean, their activities are boring, so the students cannot and don’t want to learn because they are not interested. Moreover, most of the time, the contents do not belong to their realities and likes, and also that affects their processes.
Another thing is, many times teachers do not include students in their decisions, then pupils don’t feel part of their own learning.
The thing is that the article shows us good ideas to put in practice to make the students learn.
In Chile we need some less risky methods, as in the text said, the innovative activities are not risky, so we need teachers learning these kinds of things to improve the learning of their students.
In Chile, many times teachers just impose their thoughts and points of view over the student’s beliefs, actually without asking or without letting them express their opinions.
Now that I’m working in a school, I can prove, in some way, that kids learn with enjoyable activities and they work as well when something is fun and interesting to them.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

speed dating in UK....

Speed dating in UK

Well, this news is about having speed dates, the thing is that you can meet someone in a room just for 3 minutes, then a bell rings and you have to move to another room to meet someone else. If someone likes you, you have the chance to write in a card that you want to know her/him and the organisers will contact you and prepare a date.
When I read this new, the first thing that came to my mind was; that kind of things are just to have fun. Actually, I don’t believe that in 3 minutes you can find your “special one”. But it’s a good idea to meet people and make friends...
However, if you believe in “love at first sight” maybe you could find the right person and work out together.
In my opinion, three minutes it’s not enough time to be taken by a person, even though, you never know, maybe it’s a big opportunity to find the love and be happy with her/him.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Dave Eggers on helping public school children

Today, I am going to talk about something that I think is really interesting.
Helping people is something really important to me because in my opinion it makes you a better person, but more important is to help people when they need it.
We never know when we could need help, so it's essential "to stand in someone else's shoes".
I think that we have to help people to make things better because if we don't help each other we are not going to be able to live in a better world, with people who really care about others.
Sometimes people talk about help others, but words are just words. It's time to do something, such as this guy we have to know that we are able to help people. It's a lovely idea.

well, that's it.

I really like this video =)


Eggers, Dave. "Once Upon a School". Filmed Feb 2008- posted Mar 2008. Online. May, 15th.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Disapointment. . .

Mrs. Bachelet;

My name is Daniela Rojas. I'm sending this letter because I want you to know my disappointment because of the judiaciary in our country. In this case, I want to talk about the latest ride that had place in Ñuñoa. The police made a big work trying to find some drug dealers, but all the effort didn’t have good results. At the end, the jugdes let the criminals out quickly. This was not the first time that the police came here to catch this criminals and they are again in our streets making damage to the people.
Another thing and the worst, it’s that this time a police man was envolved with the drug dealing.
I think that you must do something to end up with the injustice, because in all these kind of crimes, for instance: drug dealers, burglars, thiefs, etc. the jugdes are not acting very well. The justice in our country ought to more careful with the investigations and with the decisions.
It’s not fair that honest and good people have to stay away from the streets because are afraid of the criminals.


Daniela Rojas C
English pedagogy student

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bad manners..!

Talking about bad behavior, I always try to have a good behave, because I don’t like when people are rude with me. I hate when some people cut in line, it’s really annoying, actually, I think is unfair have to wait a long time in the line and suddenly someone appears in front of you and takes your place, it’s like… ¬¬ The worst thing is that the most of the time old people are making that kind of things, usually in the supermarket or in the bank, they use to take the place of someone else, but I suppose that they should give us an example of behave, I mean, the adults should teach young people, right?
However, many times I have seen when young people didn’t give up their sits to pregnant women or old people in the subway and buses.
Well, I think that sometimes bad behavior show us that we are living just worry about ourselves and we don’t care about the others.

I think that the best way to improve poor or bad manners it's making a change since you, also you can try to face some issues, so, if you talk to the person who is doing something wrong you can change his/her behavior.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bullying in Japan.. u.u

In the latest years, in Chile and also in the whole world, we have seen some cases where kids have killed themselves because they had been bullied. However, is always surprising to know this kind of new.

It’s very important to the teachers know how to deal with bullying because kids are too hurtful without thinking in the consequences. In addition, parents should be worry about it. They have to talk with their children about this topic; also they should try to have a good communication with the school authorities. It’s important to know the behavior of their pupils.

If you ask me, the most important thing is to have a good relationship with children, because a lot of these problems come from their houses. On the other hand, some kids don’t know how to face with bullying. Maybe they don’t have anyone to talk with and the best option to end with all their suffering is the suicide. It’s something very worrying because those issues are increasing in everywhere.

Hogg, Chris. “School bullying in Japan”. BBC News. 15 November, 2006. Online. March, 23rd.